ACID Cigars dominate the market when it comes to infused cigars, and there’s no doubt about their top-tier status. Among their offerings, the Blondie line stands out as the ultimate favorite. Initially introduced in a 4″ x 38 Sumatra wrapped version, the Blondie has inspired numerous variations, each as delightful as the original.
Highlighted below is the entire Blondie collection. Every cigar in this popular line is meticulously handcrafted and spends time in Drew Estate’s aromatic rooms, where over 150 essential oils and botanicals gradually infuse their distinctive flavors into the final blend.
ACID Blondie: small powerhouse cigar; slightly sweet
Wrapper: Cameroon, Candela, Connecticut, Sumatra
Origin: Nicaragua
Flavored: False
Pressed: False
Has Tip: False
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Sweet: True
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