Originally introduced by Julius Caesar Newman in 1937, Brick House has remained a steadfast presence in the cigar industry for decades. Named after the family’s brick house in Hungary, which served as both their residence and a tavern, the brand continues to offer high-quality, complex cigars at an exceptionally affordable price.
Crafted as a Nicaraguan puro, Brick House features a rich, reddish-brown Habano wrapper paired with a robust blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers. This combination yields a medium to full-bodied cigar that is rich, flavorful, and smooth. Expect to experience notes of earth, cedar, pepper, and coffee, complemented by a toasty, subtly sweet finish. The Brick House is well-crafted, flavorful, and reasonably priced.
In exciting news, Brick House earned a notable 93 rating and was named the #18 Cigar of 2022, as well as making the Top 25 Cigars of 2016 and 2010. The reviews highlighted: “This cigar offers excellent value, with a $5 Nicaraguan puro delivering abundant flavor. It features sweet wood and tea notes with a toasty finish that’s hard to beat.”
Wrapper: Habano, Nicaraguan
Origin: Nicaragua
Flavored: False
Pressed: False
Has Tip: False
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Sweet: False
Warning: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive Chemical.
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