The Perdomo Lot 23 series highlights Nick Perdomo’s dedication to producing high-quality cigars at an affordable price. Developed with his father, Nick Sr., over twenty years ago, Lot 23 began with the cultivation of select tobaccos on a single farm in Estelí, Nicaragua. This series includes three distinct Lot 23 blends, each finished with a unique wrapper leaf.
Lot 23 Connecticut is the mildest of the collection, offering a refined profile with notes of cedar, almonds, and fresh coffee, complemented by touches of honey and spices for a rich, textured experience. Its golden Ecuador Connecticut wrapper encases a special mix of Cuban-seed long-fillers, aged for at least five years. Available in five popular, slightly thicker sizes, this cigar provides exceptional value from Perdomo.
Warning: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive Chemical.
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